The Time Traveler's Wife
Vintage, 2005
ISBN: 0099464462
When Henry is twenty-eight he meets Clare. Except, she already knows him because he is a CDP, a Chrono-Displaced Person, whose genetic clock periodically resets and he ends up at some other time and place. Clare first met him when she was six and he was thirty-six. So, when she meets him in 1991, he does not know her but falls in love with her as she did with him many years ago. They get married two years later and try to life a normal life, with is not too easy because Henry leaves every now and then and disappears for some time before returning from a Clare at some other time and place to the Clare today.
It is an intriguing book because even though it does not seem possible, it sounds so credible that it is almost real and makes you wonder if it is not possible after all that somewhere in the universe CDPs exist. But it is in no way only fantasy because in its essence it is a wonderful love story about two people who meet and love each other, just under not so normal circumstances. An elegy to love and loss.
Audrey Niffenegger is a visual artist and a professor at the Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts. She teaches writing, letterpress printing and fine edition book production. This was her first novel.
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Tags: English, novel