
23 Januar 2006

The Lord of the Rings

John R. R. Tolkien
HarperCollins, 1995
ISBN: 0261103253

I know, I know, I know - Why have I not read this before, you ask. All I can say is: I've read it now. And I won't be able to read any book in a while because nothing can be just as good. Those were three intensive weeks, I can tell you. I had read The Hobbit a few years ago but that had not prepared me for what I was up to now, reading the 'real' tale. So when I was finished I did not want it to be over so soon (1008 pages is not really much if the story is so magnificent) so I also read the annexes and parts of The Silmarillion in order to understand some of the things that happen better. I really don't know why it took me so long to sit down with the book, as I've had three wonderful weeks with it. As soon as I sat down with it I felt so much drawn in the story that I was reluctant to get out of it again...

Indeed, I could not agree more with what the Sunday Times said: "The English-speaking world is divided into those who have read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and those who are going to read them."

I can totally understand how some say that they don't like the book. It is because they have started reading it in German. It makes such a difference in what language you read it as the greatest marvel for my lies in its language. Plunge into the language and the story will sparkle in many more colours then if you stay on the surface.

Available at Amazon in English and Deutsch (But mark my words: if you can - read it in English. It may be hard in the beginning but soon the fogs will rise and you will understand it...)

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